
Solutions / Hotel IPTV Solution

ENNPLE Hotel TV Solution

ENNPLE Hotel IPTV Service dramatically improves the shortcomings and limitations of existing hotel and resort guest room TV services, allowing hotels and resorts to provide high-quality guest entertainment services and operate eco-friendly digital services through work efficiency and cost reduction. and improve customer convenience by effectively promoting facilities and services. Our digital entertainment service provides a variety of entertainment contents and information that guests need while making continuous improvement and expansion based on their individual needs and characteristics. ENNPLE Hotel IPTV Service can help you gain a competitive advantage with smart hotel services.
Welcome Message & Image
  • Welcome Message
    • Display welcome messages in the default language set based on the location
    • Transmit individual welcome messages for each guest

  • Welcome Video
    • Display customized welcome videos for individuals/groups/all guests

Multi-Language Support
  • Multi-Language Support (IPTV menu, VOD contents)
    • Multiple languages including Korean, English, Chinese, Japanese and Spanish are supported
    • The language can be set when checking in
    • The language can be changed while watching IPTV

Real-time TV Broadcast
  • Domestic Real-time TV Broadcast Channel Services
    • Support domestic ISP and cable TV broadcast channels

  • Overseas Satellite Broadcast Channel Services
    • Transmit contents to IP using either IP or coaxial method, and configure/change channels freely
    • Easy to navigate channels through categories

Introduction of the Hotel & Resort
  • Channel and Service for the Hotel & Resort Service Information
    • Introduction of the hotel
    • Introduction of major services
    • Introduction of major facilities
    • Introduction of major business sites
    • Providing other information
    • Digital Hotel GSD (replace hotel GSD booklet, reduce GSD booklet production cost)
      • * Make a reservation and order while watching IPTV

Introduction of Tourist Information
  • Channel and Service for Tourist Information
    • Channel and service for tourist information
      • : Provide information about major tourist attractions near the hotel and resort
      • : Provide information about local tourist attractions

  • Other Information Channel and Service
    • Other information channel and service
      • : Provide information that is useful to guests

Weather Information
  • Current Weather
    • Display current temperature, lowest/highest temperature, weather conditions and wind direction
    • Provide weather information every three hours

  • Weekly Weather
    • Provide weather forecast and lowest/highest temperature up to 5 days ahead

Flight Information
  • Departure/Arrival Flight Information
    • Provide expected time for flights, changed time, sites of departure and arrival and current status of gates in nearby airport based on current time

Provide Entertainment Contents
  • Provide entertainment contents such as culture, k-entertainment, other paid/free VOD contents
  • Provide customized BGM and music in a room
  • Provide OTT service configuration / Support guest supplement management

In-Room Service
  • Composition of In-Room Service
    • Room service

In-Room Shopping
  • Shopping Channel and Service
    • Provide various product information and shopping service, including popular tourist items, bestsellers, hotel merchandise and others

In-Room Reservation
  • Composition of In-Room Reservation
    • In-room reservation

In-Room Request
  • Composition of In-Room Request
    • Amenity

Accommodation and Reservation Information
  • Accommodation and Reservation Information Service
    • Service to help guests check accommodation and reservation information easily (PMS Interface)

  • Wake-up Call

Remote Check-Out
  • List of Use/Remote Check-Out
    • Check service history and check-out of a room using the IPTV

Real-Time Messages
  • Guest Messages
    • Send messages in real time so guests can view them on IPTV
    • Manager can see whether the guest has viewed the message
    • Use it as a means of communication for not only individuals but also group tours as guidance for each individual or group

Real-Time News
  • Real-Time News Feed
    • Real-time news feed as a subtitle on IPTV, including notification, emergency alert, promotion/advertisement for real-time guidance and promotion for guests

Real-Time Reservation, Order and Payment
  • Reservation/Order/Payment (Linked to the System)
    • Support for real-time reservation, order and payment while watching IPTV

  • Free/Charged Payment
    • Support for payment to free/paid service

Concierge Call Service
  • Concierge Call Service by TV
    • Various concierge call services such as laundry call, taxi and cart call
    • Extra convenience for guests and hoteliers

Information Service for Traffic Level
  • Check the traffic level of certain areas such swimming pool and restaurant

Emergency Broadcast
  • Function to Transmit Emergency Broadcast
    • Transmit emergency broadcast in case of emergency such as fire
    • Tasks linked with fire detection team and fire prevention team
    • Set and operate a zone to transmit emergency broadcast in advance depending on an emergency situation such as fire
    • Create contents such as emergency guide map or video in advance and broadcast emergency program in event of emergency

Emergency Alert Message
  • Emergency Alert Messages(Option)
    • Display emergency alert messages through real-time news feed to notify guests when they watch IPTV

Control for Air-Conditioning/Heating Devices
  • Support for Air-Conditioning/Heating Control
    • Connect to air-conditioning/heating control system
    • Link with IoT based on IPTV and remote controller

Control for Lighting and Curtain
  • Support for Lighting and Curtain Control
    • Connect to the control system such as lighting and curtain
    • Link with IoT based on IPTV and remote controller

  • Integrated Operation and Management of Convenience Service through IPTV Solution
    • Configuration/registering/organizing/transmitting IPTV integrated broadcast servcie
    • Configuration/transmitting customized broadcast contents for each room/group
    • IPTV system & service integrated management and operation
    • Other functions such as real-time remote monitoring

Support for connection with PMS and third party
  • Support for Connection with PMS and Third Party
    • Link with IPTV and various PMS functions (OPERA Certification acquired)
    • Link with various third-party systems such as POS (Review interface and connection support)
    • Implement IPTV-based real-time reservation, order and payment

  • Expand Channels/Service/Function based on IPTV Scalability
    • Extend IPTV channel menu, service and function flexibly

Inquiries For Solutions
Tel. +82-2-3662-9060